Matthew 10:24

24: The lines of this verse were meant as simple illustrations that the disciples would quickly understand. The servant or disciple would, at the very most be equal to their master or lord. Never would the disciple or servant be considered greater than the master or lord. This he said to remind them of the facts before making some statements about their relationship to him.

Daily Bible Reading: Acts 18:1-19:41

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:5 “But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.”

Daily Tidbit: Many have, in years gone by, sought to discredit the Bible by pointing out a supposed bias against women. The fact is that the Bible simply reports the facts. In the case of Priscilla and Aquila, for example, the wife is honored along with the husband in the statement of their names. Usually the wife was not even mentioned, or was accorded lesser status. In this case, she was honored more in that day. This was likely due to social standing owing to upbringing, riches, royalty, or some other factor. Thus, the Bible does not fail to allow a woman the same honors she might enjoy among her own people.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity that we call today. It is so good to have another day from You. Another day to serve You and live for You, another day to praise You, is such a blessing. May we never take Your blessings for granted. It is a joy to recount Your works and see Your hand in all that we see around us. Thank You for taking the time to be concerned about our world. Your care is precious to us. Jesus is precious to us. Thank You for him, Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man who will be having a PET scan performed soon. Pray for a woman who just had a stroke.

Personal Journal Entry #13061

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