Matthew 10:17

17: The councils were local courts of the Jews. These were run by local elders or priests. The synagogues were the most common meeting places for the Jews at that time. They naturally became meeting places for hearings and public cases of various kinds.

Daily Bible Reading: Acts 3:1-4:37

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:3 “And hereby do we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.”

Daily Tidbit: I have spoken with several persons in the past who told me that, in spite of their faith, they did not ‘feel saved.’ 1 John 2:3 helps us with this problem. If your basis of faith is God’s Word, and you have truly been saved, you may still on occasion feel like you are not saved. This verse is a great reference for the advice I usually give in this situation. Doing what a Christian does will likely make you feel like a Christian feels. Some might object, saying that they don’t want to do good works and miss the fact that they are not actually saved.
   I will say a few things here. First, the best way to know for sure that you are saved is to examine your faith. If you believe what God Almighty says in his Word about salvation, that is the key. If you have truly accepted Christ as the gospel prescribes, that is what is expected. You can then be sure of your salvation. Secondly, as John tells us here, this assurance will grow as you keep the commandments of Almighty God. As you live a holy life by the power of Christ, your knowledge of your relationship with him will grow. Finally, I very rarely find that one can genuinely do the works of a Christian without being a Christian. Something usually falls through the cracks.
   So, if you want to feel like a Christian, act like a Christian.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for every knew day. Sometimes we act as if You never have any fun, or allow us to have any fun. Yet You wake up the flowers every morning. You set the birds to singing. You bring the otters out to play. You bring children and small animals together. You make the wind blow lightly through the plains. You cause the beautiful snowflakes to fall. You raise the mountains against a glowing sky. How majestic are Your works and ways! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a local pastor who has only a short time to live. Pray for a couple of families that just lost loved ones. Pray for two men with cancer and who are undergoing radiation. Pray for a young man who hurt his leg.

Personal Journal Entry #13054

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