Matthew 10:16

16: To go forth as sheep among wolves was a proverbial expression of the day. It would be readily understood. The Jews would likely think of the Gentiles as wolves, and themselves as sheep. Here, the disciples are the sheep, and some of the Jews are the wolves.
   The advice concerning serpents and doves is quite illuminating. Many have a misconceived idea that Christians must be completely ignorant of the ins and outs of sin, the world, and just life in general. This is not the case. Christians should understand sin, people, feelings, life, etc. better than anybody. This is the wise as serpents part. We must understand the enemy. We must be wise enough to see things as they really are. But, the harmless as doves part is the balance to this. We are to understand the ways of the world better than the most worldly of persons, but we are to be as innocent of wrongdoing as the smallest child. This is the balance, and it is an admirable goal. With the help of Christ, it is attainable.

Daily Bible Reading: John 21:1-Acts 2:47

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:2 “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

Daily Tidbit: Schoolchildren are (or at least used to be) taught that the Pilgrims came to America for religious liberty. This is partially true. They, being Puritans, came for their liberty to worship, not necessarily for the cause of religious liberty in general. This is important to understand. The Puritans were among those involved in the persecution of early American Baptists. It was Baptists who championed religious liberty, desiring a nation in which nobody would be imprisoned, or worse, for their faith. That is our legacy.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for all that You do every day that we never even take the time to notice. You do things that we would not even have time to notice if we tried. How much of a blessing You are! Every little thing You do is a precious reminder of Your love for us, and yet we remember it so rarely. Thank You for being patient with us. It is nice to know that You care so much for us. It is great to have Jesus on our side. He is a constant Source of strength and encouragement in our lives. Show us Your glory each day that we may praise You! You are worthy! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for an elderly woman with breathing problems.

Personal Journal Entry #13053

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