Matthew 10:9-10

9: The disciples were told not to take money with them. Jesus expected the Jews to recognize the Truth and supply the needs of those who told it.
10: The word scrip does not, as some suppose, also refer to a wallet of some kind. Instead, it is more of a backpack. This is a large leather bag that could be slung over the shoulder. It was used to carry food and other provisions for a journey. The coat mentioned would be the outermost cloak worn by persons in that day. Those going on a long journey might take two, one for travel, and another to change into while they were in town. The reference to shoes must also be explained. Likely as not, the disciples had sandals, which they were allowed to take. The journey would be quite difficult without them. However, shoes here likely refers to a softer, nicer looking piece of footwear used in the house or around town. This would be like the difference between hiking boots and dress shoes. Though Jesus allowed one walking stick, he told them not to take extra instruments, whether for protection or provision in case the present one broke or was lost.
   All of this then leads to the last few words of the verse. The meaning hear is that those who work deserve to be payed. Jesus expected food, shelter, and clothing to be given to these men. This was built into the law of the Jews. If a stranger visited from elsewhere, they were supposed to take them in. If the Jews did not like the stranger for some reason, they would not keep this commandment. So, this was a test of the reception of the Truth.

Daily Bible Reading: John 9:1-10:42

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:1 “My little children, these thing write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have and advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;”

Daily Tidbit: In the early days of Baptist influence in this nation, many became Baptist by being immersed. Believer’s baptism is a fundamental tenet of the faith as far as Baptists are concerned. And yet, there are those today sitting in Baptist churches every Sunday who have never yet been baptized. They claim to be saved, but seem to lack the desire to obey the Lord in this matter. This is strange indeed for those who call themselves Baptist!

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for today! It is so great to know that we can depend upon Your strength. We need You at every turn. Your power is truly infinite. But, for us, it is enough to say that it is more than we could ever need. Your provision for us is amazing, and a wonderful blessing to our hearts. We can never thank You enough for Your constant care and concern for us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man having tests done this week. Pray for a woman having tests done on her liver.

Personal Journal Entry #13047

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