Matthew 10:2

2: These twelve men were the ‘apostles’ that Jesus sent out. There was another time in which he sent out seventy at once. But, here it was only the twelve. These sent ones were likely sent out just as they are listed here, two by two. In this verse we see Peter and Andrew, James and John, in that order. Peter and Andrew were, of course, brothers, as were James and John. These were the four fishermen, and were the first that Christ called to follow him.
   These men are here referred to as apostles. A little must be said to clear up some confusion about apostleship. The twelve were disciples of Jesus Christ. Christians today are disciples of Jesus Christ. However, we are not one of the ‘twelve,’ just as there were other disciples of Jesus in that time that were not one of the twelve. This was a special group, selected by Christ himself. Thus, there is a difference between being a disciple, and being one of the twelve disciples. There are many disciples alive today. But, the twelve (actually eleven, leaving out Judas Iscariot) are all in heaven now. There will not be any more of them.
   This then carries over to the ‘apostle’ idea. The word apostle, in its literal sense, simply means ‘sent one,’ and nothing more. Every Christian is a sent one because we are sent to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world. So, like disciples, there are many apostles, even today. However, like the twelve disciples, there were a group of men known as ‘the apostles of the Lord.’ In this group was included eleven of the original twelve, Matthias, who was added later, and the apostle Paul. Others also were likely included in this group, such as Jesus’ brothers James and Jude. Though all of the Christians alive in that time were apostles in the sense that they were sent ones, they were not all members of this group. So, just like that special group of twelve disciples, there will not be any more ‘apostles of the Lord.’
   Now, in our day, it is wise not to use the term ‘apostle’ because it easily causes confusion. This is due to the fact that some have, in the history of the church, mistakenly identified themselves as ‘apostles’ with the intention of making themselves one of that original group. This simply cannot be, because that original group is all in heaven. There will not be any more of those apostles. So, as a result of a misunderstanding of the truth, we do not identify ourselves as ‘apostles’ even though we are ‘sent ones’ just as much as we are disciples.

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 23:1-24:53

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:10 “If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”

Daily Tidbit: 1 John 1:10 reminds us of a very important concept that is often missed. Since the death of Christ, the focus of God’s wrath against sin has been made more apparent. Almighty God knows that we are sinners. If he was going to judge us simply on the basis of that alone, it would all be over (hence, the flood). However, he is interested in a bit more than just our actions. He is also interested in our attitude. Jesus said it well when he was talking to the Jewish leaders about sinning against the Holy Spirit. What is in view here is our attitude towards what God has to say about us. I am convinced that nobody goes to hell only because they are sinners. No, the key is whether we make God a liar. That is what God judges. To be a sinner is our fault, yes. But, we were born that way. Physical death, which we will all face, is the punishment for that. Denial of the Word of God, calling God a liar,  failing to accept the free grace that he offers; these things will bring eternal damnation.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love for us! I have been reminded of it so much this week. You are so kind to us! Thank You for using our lives for Your glory. Thank You for allowing us to help in the mission of the gospel. Thank You for making us disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for making it possible to spend eternity in heaven with You. We will proclaim for all eternity Your love for Your world. You are such a great Creator! I love You and praise You for all that You have done in my life. Only in eternity will we see the true extent of all that You do. Your purpose in every comfort, in every trail, in every thing, will come to light. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for two families that just lost loved ones. Pray for a woman recovering from a kidney infection. Pray for a man with terminal cancer.

Personal Journal Entry #13042

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