Matthew 9:37-38

37: Jesus here expresses the need for more workers to match the great harvest of souls which lay before them. The need is always great. Never will a minister of Christ find no needs. Unless we fail to look, there will always be a great need for the gospel. If we think there is no need in our present location, we need not go far to find masses of people lost and dying without Christ.
   Why, indeed, are the laborers so few? Where are all those who would go to their fellow man and tell them of heaven? Is God weak? Is he unable to call more laborers? In his infinite wisdom, Almighty God knows who will answer his call upon their lives. We need not think that he is unable to bring laborers to the work. However, God has chosen to use humanity to reach humanity. He expects us to see our need and respond in faith. He has endowed us with the resources to understand the Truth when we hear it. We are responsible for it. We are expected to hear and believe.
38: And, as such, we are to cry out to the Almighty to send forth laborers into the harvest. Humanity must cry for humanity. Like Christ, it is compassion for the multitudes that will bring the gospel to the world, not a herald angel in the sky.
   Christian people, knowing that terrible plight destined for those who do not recognize the Truth, are to be burdened for their brothers and sisters according to the flesh. We must have compassion on this great, large world of ours. We need not love the world (in its evil), nor the things in it. But, to be a lover of human kind, that is at the bedrock of what it means to be a child of God.

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 20:1-21:38

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Daily Tidbit: In 1 John 1:9, the word confess is quite interesting. In the Greek, it is ὁμολογέω, which literally means to ‘say the same.’ So, to confess is more than just telling someone what we did wrong. It is more than just saying we are sorry. It is admitting that the accusation against us is correct in every respect. It is to say that Almighty God is completely accurate in his appraisal of our sins. It is to freely and unequivocally plead guilty to every charge without argument. Now, I have met many people who will say they are sorry, or admit that they are not perfect, or that they are only human. But, to find the kind of admission that is in view here; well, that takes a heart that is willing to lean totally upon Christ for forgiveness. Without total reliance upon him, we will always try to ‘doctor it up’ ourselves a little before confessing everything.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, Your goodness to us is just so nice. How can we ever deserve You? Your grace makes our unworthiness apparent, but keeps it from tripping us up. How wonderful that is! We will spend our lives saying Your Word to ourselves and others. It transforms us from the inside out. As we look at ourselves, we realize that we are not our own. You have made us, and bought us. We are glorious creations of Your hands. And, as such, our lives will fill to the brim only as our understanding of You grows. You make us so much more than we could ever be on our own. With You in our lives we stand as ambassadors of the Living God. We are representatives of the Most High. Could we find a better position? I think not! you have given us all things, and made us to sit higher than we could have ever dreamed, or deserved. We will humble ourselves before Your mighty greatness. You are worthy of our very lives. Thank You so much for Your astounding love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a lady and her son who both have cancer.

Personal Journal Entry #13040

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