Matthew 9:35

35: We would do well not to miss this verse. Though it contains no exciting stories, and appears only as a summary, yet it is a blessing as well. For one thing, we can see here that the ministry of Christ was widespread. He did not fail to get around to visiting places that might otherwise be seen as ‘out of the way’ and unimportant. This is a model for us upon whom the end of the world comes. Jesus commands us to go everywhere. This means not just to every country, or to every city, but to every place. If the gospel had been preached in every corner of the globe except for some small island that might have very few inhabitants, it would still be our duty to preach even there.
   Next, we must see the manner of Jesus’ ministry. He taught in the synagogues. Though many might disdain teaching the gospel in a place that was not built specifically for that purpose, one must remember that not every synagogue ruler responded positively to the message of Christ. Nowadays we seem only to want to preach the Word were we feel it may be likely to be accepted, rather than were we know it must be preached.
   Jesus preaching was the gospel. There has been much discussion over the delineation of the ‘kingdoms’ of Scripture. This discussion can become confusing, heated, complicated, and otherwise intense. However, may I suggest one thing to keep in mind? Jesus is the King of them all, no matter how many you may think are delineated in the Bible. He brings glory to the Father by his Kingship, which he receives from the Father. The good news of the kingdom is the good news about Christ, for he is the King and the kingdom.
   Finally, take note of what Jesus did among the people. He ministered to the common mass of society. It would be hard to prove that Jesus left anyone out. His ministry reached to the lowest, and the highest. Beyond this, we see that he healed ‘every’ sickness and disease. Nowadays we have so-called faith healers. You will find with these certain aliments missing. Why? It is easy to say that a bad back has been cured, but to restore a limb gnawed off by leprosy? That is a true miracle! To help a man who is hard-of-hearing is one thing. But, to put a man’s ear back on after it has been severed from his head by a sword, that is a miracle. Jesus is the real deal, no phony show.

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 15:1-17:37

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Daily Tidbit: The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 has inspired many. We love the beautiful picture of forgiveness that is found there. And yet, I cannot help but think that many today would react differently than the father in the story. Now I think many fathers would go to one of to extremes. Some would be like the older brother and fail to forgive the prodigal. Others would find nothing wrong with what the prodigal had done, and would thus receive him back with joy, but not with love. The proper response that we see in this story is a lesson to us today. Forgive sinners, remembering that we are all sinful. However, never forget that there is something that needs to be forgiven, and repented from.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father thank You for Your forgiveness! Many people think You are too hard on our sins. But, the extent of our sin only serves to highlight the amazing power of Your grace. Though we would not sin only that grace may abound, it is so good to know that sin cannot overcome Your grace. You are able to forgive, always, those who truly repent. Father, Your love in this is astounding! To think that You care for us is well nigh unbelievable. Thank You for sending Christ to this old broken world to fix our mess. He is such a comfort to us! Knowing that we have a Mediator on Your right hand really makes a difference. We can feel that You are not listening to us grudgingly, but willingly. We can feel that You listen as if Christ makes the requests for us, for surely he does. Oh, how nice! May we never take it for granted! Thank You for all that You mean to me! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a woman who just had braces put on her legs.

Personal Journal Entry #13038

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