Matthew 9:12-13

12: Just as those who are physicians of the physical maladies with which we are faced, Jesus was to be the Great Physician for the spiritual needs of mankind. As a physician, he would, naturally, have to find himself among the sick. By implication, the Pharisees, who would think themselves the spiritual physicians of the day, were not meeting the spiritual needs of these people. Beyond this, when Jesus suggests that some are ‘whole’ it need not be thought that he meant so literally. He was speaking to the Pharisees directly, and knew their state of mind. He knew they already considered themselves to be ‘whole’ spiritually whether they were in actuality or not. Indeed, we are all spiritually in need of Christ’s help at every moment. Thus it might be even better to see the ‘sick’ as those who recognize their need, and the ‘whole’ as those who do not.
13: Jesus here refers to Hosea 6:6. His initial phrase about going to ‘learn what that meaneth’ was a figure of speech to say, in effect, go study the Scriptures and see what is written. It is a tip off that what he was about to say would be a quote. Indeed, ‘I will have mercy, and not sacrifice’ is a direct quote from Hosea 6:6.
   This clarifies his meaning quite well and is a slap in the face to the self-righteous pharisees. The quoted verse is referring to the fact that Almighty God had become dissatisfied with the self-righteousness of the Jews in their observance of the law. They were literally ‘sinning that grace may abound’, as Paul would say. The Jews kept up the sacrificial rituals, but even the priests were involved in murders and lewdness. Thus, God was looking for the Jews to keep his sacrifices with a mind to obey, not as a cover for more and more sin.
   Jesus was saying, then, that he was not there to call those who were unwilling to recognize their need for grace. He had come to call those who knew they were in trouble, and wanted to get out of it.

Daily Bible Reading: Matthew 23:1-24:51

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:3 “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.”

Daily Tidbit: John Leland was a Baptist minister who had an influence upon James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in the formulation of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. For some exceedingly interesting reading, take a look at The Writings of the Late Elder John Leland: Including Some Events in His Life, which can be read, for free, at

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for all of Your amazing love for us! It is so good of You to not only be patient with our sin, but to make a way of salvation from it, and then to teach us how to obtain that salvation. You do not simply give us some small hint about you and then expect us to figure the rest out. Instead, You are actively at work among mankind. You draw us to You and show us Your love and Truth. How wonderful You are! I love You! Father, the wisdom of Your plan is so apparent. I think I shall never stop wondering at it. Nothing could be better than what You have conceived for us. I could never say that Your way is anything less than perfect. I only hope that I will live in a manner that honors Your great will for us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for three families that have recently lost loved ones. Pray for several persons who are sick at this time. Pray for a doctor who has cancer in his nose.

Personal Journal Entry #13019

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