Matthew 8:33-34

33: It must be remembered that, in that time, people were extremely superstitious. In fact, anywhere that you have a melting pot of different nationalities and peoples you will find more superstition and jumpiness related to it. The keepers of the pigs did not run into the city because they were attempting to get the city officials to arrest Jesus, or because they wanted to sue him. They ran because they were scared, and they told everything they knew about the situation.
34: The superstitions of the people of Gadara were more than enough to bring them out of the city to see what went on. Many have assumed that they asked Jesus to depart only because of the loss of the pigs. The financial loss was great. However, it was primarily fear that motivated the whole incident (see Luke 8:37). Yes, they feared the demons, the men who were healed, and even Jesus. They feared everything. The demons knew that their killing of the pigs would cause pandemonium, and so did Christ. Jesus also knew that their fear was only the result of the grip the devil had on those people because of the influence of the demons. He already had a plan to solve that problem before the demons ever even saw him. The man who was released from Legion and the others came to Christ, wanting to go with him. Jesus then sent this man to be a witness for him in this area. When Jesus returned later, the people gladly received him (see Luke 8:40). Thus, the purposes of the devil, as well as his minions, were overturned by the testimony of Christ in the heart of the changed man. What a commentary on the power of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Daily Bible Reading: Zechariah 7:1-11:17

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 1:1 “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have see with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the Word of life;”

Daily Tidbit: It is quite odd that people will defend to the death supposed truths which bring upon their believers nothing but fear for death. By the same token, it is surely strange that people will ridicule those who believe the Truth, which releases one from the fears of death so completely that anyone observing must admit the absence thereof.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love for us. You love every person more than they love themselves. Oh, if we could only grasp that! Lord God, Your Truth brings such wonderful change to our lives, and yet it makes us more changeless, like Yourself. You are always wonderful. You will never change. You have no need to change. Change means to grow or shrink. You need do neither. Overshadow us with Your grandeur Father! Make us what we could never be without You. You are worthy of all the praise for all that You do. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a woman with the flu. Pray for two men with terminal cancer.

Personal Journal Entry #12271

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