Matthew 8:26

26: Jesus questions their lack of faith. We, as they, often fall into the trap of forgetting that all lies under God’s watch-care. There is nothing too hard for him, nothing outside of his ability to control. Jesus points out their fear. This fear is the antithesis of faith. Faith will admit only one fear, the fear of Almighty God. How was it, he was asking, that they should be more afraid of this storm than they were of suggesting that the very Son of God was unaware of his surroundings? How could it be that they were more worried about being killed by a storm than by the wrath of Almighty God for suggesting that God did not care that they were just then in jeopardy? How could it be that we could fear a single storm, and yet forget to fear the perpetrator of the world-wide flood?
   Faith will allow the fear of God alone. Faith will cause all other fears to fly far away. And, living by faith, the fear of God becomes sheer delight as we realize his graciousness and mercy, and love. Thus, the disciples, by a lack of faith, forgot the power of the very Son of God Almighty. They forgot that he who was in the boat with them was the Messiah, the King. He made the sea. Surely it would blush to do less than listen to his commands. And, listen it did.
  Indeed, the immediate nature of the calming of the storm is as amazing as the cause of it. The winds and waves stilled completely. Their was nothing gradual about the process. It was sudden and noticeable. The rebuke of Christ held authority not only over the wind and sea as a whole, but over every minute particle, every atom, of the matter of them. He commanded every detail in an instant. There was no question, no hesitation, no resistance.

Daily Bible Reading: Amos 6:1-Obadiah 21

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:25 “To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”

Daily Tidbit: It is important to remember that many great Baptist preachers of centuries gone by have come from other denominations. Johann Gerhard Oncken, who was one of the early leaders among Baptists in Germany, started out as a Lutheran. He had to study God’s Word and come to the proper understanding of its doctrine in order to become a Baptist. Thus, the most mature of Baptists is not a Baptist by choice alone, but also by conviction. We must know why we are what we are, or else we are in danger of becoming something else.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, I can never praise You enough. You fill our hearts with righteousness. You make an otherwise dark place into a place full of light, gladness, and goodness. You lift our souls to a higher plane and cause us to walk in Your wonderful way. With You we need not be troubled by worry, harassed by fear, or overcome by discouragement. You give us such a delightful outlook on life. Knowing You makes life so much more fun. Without You in our lives, we try to have fun so as to try to have a life. With You, we have fun because we are alive. And, as You have said, that life is abundant. Oh Father, life with You is so wonderful! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man having trouble with his blood pressure. Pray for a woman with gout. Pray for two boys who have a rare disease.

Personal Journal Entry #12265

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