Matthew 8:25

25: It seems that the disciples, though coming to Christ for help, did not even have the faith to believe that he knew what was going on. They had evidently not come to him the very second the storm began. The waters of the lake had been coming into the boat to the point that they could not afford to take on any more water (see Mark 4:37). It is at this point, when they realized that they had come to the end of their human ability to remedy the situation, that they came to Christ. And when they do, it is to ask for help from someone who they did not even think knew what was going on. Is this not how we are very often? We do everything we can to fix a problem, only to give up and finally pray. Do not pray first. Do not pray last. Pray that you can do anything at all. For, without his blessing and help, your efforts are truly futile.

Daily Bible Reading: Amos 1:1-5:27

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:24 “Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,”

Daily Tidbit: Though many Christians have become increasingly concerned with the direction America is moving in politically, no Christian should panic. The winds of politics are indeed moving in a bad way. Heavy persecution could be in our future. However, Jesus has already assured us that the gates of hell itself cannot prevail against the church (Matthew 16:18). As long as Jesus tarries, the church is here to stay. Times may become difficult, but the cause of Christ is the cause of humanity. No terror is sufficient to stop the advance of the kingdom of the Son.
   Please remember, the early days of the church came under great persecution in Rome. The early days of the Baptist church in this country came before we broke with England. Early ministers of the gospel, such as Daniel Marshall in my own birth state of Georgia, suffered under governmental persecution. Yet, the spread of the gospel was not prevented. The gospel prevails because it spreads through transformed hearts, not weapons and fear. Even under the great persecutions of those who would call themselves religious, the gospel has moved forward.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gospel. It is so much easier to work for a cause that is non-violent, truly tolerant, and full of real love for people. Indeed, the gospel of Christ has only been so hated because it cannot be fought. It is not an ethnicity. It is not a religion. It is not a regime. It is not terrorism. It is not a sales pitch. It is not a military force. It is not a political campaign. It is not propaganda. It is harmless. The only reason people don’t like it is because they cannot stop it. They try to treat as anything they can other than what it is. Oh Father, may we help people to see that the gospel is a person. And that person is Your dear Son, Jesus Christ. May we show Christ to others in such a way that they will see him for what he is. Thank You for loving us so much. Thank you for sending Jesus, and giving him to us for our great needs. Jesus is the Savior. He is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Lord God Almighty, I am so glad that You are not what people think You are. You are so much better than we could ever imagine. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for three men who have been without a job for a long time. Pray for three women with Alzheimer’s disease.

Personal Journal Entry #12264

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