Matthew 8:7

7: Jesus, obviously, already knew what this centurion would say in response to these words. So, why then did Jesus say he would come, when he knew the centurion would say he didn’t need to? There were occasions on which Jesus did not go to the location of the need, but healed from a distance. Why does he offer to go when he knows that the centurion is not asking that? The answer reveals much about the Lord’s love, and the way his will works with people. Though it was excellent that the centurion believed Jesus could heal over distances, it was not a requirement for the grace of the Lord. Jesus was letting this man know that he was willing to come to his house if the centurion felt it necessary. In other words, the Lord’s mercy has more to do with him than it does with us. It will come further than we will. It will come before we will. It will last beyond us. Faith is required, yes, but the mercy and grace of Almighty God do the work. This is the same in salvation. Faith is mandatory. Without faith, salvation will never be received. However, it is by grace that we are saved. Our faith in God could not by itself save us. His grace, received because of that faith, does the saving. And he receives all of the glory in that.

Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 17:1-19:14

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:18 “How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.”

Daily Tidbit: In the Septuagint, Proverbs 10:28 reads thus: “Joy rests long with the righteous, but the hope of the ungodly shall perish.”

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, You grace is so amazing! To think that You draw us to Yourself is an overwhelming thought. Without Your mercy, there would be no planet earth. Without the possibility for redemption, there would be no reason for our existence. Thank you for giving to us life and meaning. May we constantly see Your mercy at work all around us. To have the opportunity to know and share the news of Your great grace is truly the opportunity of a lifetime. The hope and joy that You hold out to us are so wonderful. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for many who are sick with colds, flu, viruses, etc.

Personal Journal Entry #12246

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