Matthew 8:3

3: The manner in which Jesus healed people was never a requirement. He could heal without touching someone. He could heal people over great distances. But, in this case, he touched the leper. One cannot help but think that Jesus did this for purely illustrative reasons. Leprosy is an illustration of sin. So, if Jesus could touch the sin-filled person, and yet heal, rather that contract the disease as well, it shows that he has the power to remove sin. Indeed, he took all of our sin upon himself on the cross and got rid of it through the plan of the Father. He can still do this today.

Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 28:1-30:24

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:17 “But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;”

Daily Tidbit: We must learn to remember the Words that Almighty God has spoken to us in his love. He warns us of what is to come because he loves us so much.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your mercy, grace, and love. You are so good and kind and patient. Help us to remember Your mercies every day at all times. Inspire us with Your great grace. Thank You for removing sin from our hearts. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man having a doctor’s appointment today. Pray for a family travelling this weekend.

Personal Journal Entry #12232

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