Matthew 7:24

24: This verse and the following illustration really sum up what Jesus is looking to communicate. Really listening to Christ, taking his words to heart, is the important thing. Many have tried to be loyal to an idea of Christ that they have invented themselves. Knowing that he is wise, they have taken the words of his which they find most palatable, and run with them. However, as he says here, obedience is the key, and obedience demands that we look at every word of Christ, not just what we like.
   Of course the wise man is the soul of any individual that clings to the Word of the Lord for hope. The building is our future life. We must build our lives on the Lord Jesus Christ, with his teaching as our foundation. One must remember that the Great Commission is not simply to give people the basics of the gospel, but to teach people to do “whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20). In other words, the gospel is not just the good news of of his death, burial, and resurrection. But, also, it is the entirety of his teachings as we have them in Scripture. Indeed, all of the Bible outside of the four gospels serves as commentary on the four gospels. It is the ministry of Christ that we are to embrace fully, and follow his commandments wholeheartedly.

Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 4:1-6:30

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:15 “To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Daily Tidbit: It is amazing how many persons have borrowed bits and pieces of the Sermon on the Mount to fill out their philosophical viewpoint. And yet, it is even more amazing to see how few truly accept the teachings of Christ. People, evidently, don’t want a Saviour, they just want a guru. In other words, they want some kind of knowing adviser or guide, but not a Lord and God. People long for a seemingly wise yogi that will lead them to a greater sense of their own godhood. They refuse a Judge whose eyes pierce into their very soul looking for obedience to his commands, for he is wisdom. The value of a life lived with a true sense of the reality of Jesus Christ as he really is cannot be measured this side of eternity.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, give us a clear vision of Christ. May we drink deeply from the cup of Your Word. We need to realize our position in relation to Him. He is the key to life, and the escape from death. Oh Father, thank You for Jesus! I can never thank You enough for Him! He is the best motive for every day of life I live. He keeps me going. He gives me a song. Lord, thank You for the Christ life. Thank You for the hope and peace we have in the Lord Jesus. That hope inspires me. It leads me to greater heights all of the time. I love Your blessed and sure hope! Almighty God, forgive my iniquity and pardon my sin by the blood of Christ. Blessed is he to who You will not impute sin. His righteousness is my desire. Thank You, Lord, for Your holiness, and making a way for us to come to You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for many who are travelling today. Pray for a man looking for a church. Pray for a woman who is sick. Pray for a missionary in Africa. Pray for a woman recovering from a broken pelvis.

Personal Journal Entry #12225

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