Matthew 7:23

23: We always talk about knowing Jesus. But, does he know us? Obviously, Jesus knows everything and everybody. However, he is here referring to the fellowship relationship that he has with those who belong to him. The children of the Father have an close relationship with Christ.
   To do the works of a saint, and yet never to have had the repentance, yieldedness, and transformation of heart of a saint, is to live in hypocrisy. To such Jesus says, depart. This does not mean that the true saints were not once sinners themselves in the fullest sense. It does mean that those who have not been changed by the glorious power of the gospel of Christ remain in their iniquitous state no matter how many good works they may have to their credit.
   Some have surmised that hell is only absence from the Lord in eternity. Surely this is the worst circumstance of hell, but it is the direct cause of many other terrible circumstances. God is gracious and merciful in that no individual may say that he or she has not had the chance to avoid this otherwise inevitable fate.

Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 1:1-3:25

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:15 “To execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”

Daily Tidbit: Luke 17:11-19 tells us about Jesus healing ten men with leprosy. This is a wonderful story that highlights the goodness and graciousness of Almighty God. First, Jesus healed the nine as well as the one who returned to thank him. They took what they could get from him, and, being satisfied, went their way. He did not unheal them for their lack of thanksgiving and praise. This is merciful. However, the story turns quickly to the Samaritan who returned to thank the Lord. The others, being Jews, must have felt that, once freed of their malady, they were ready for eternity in their present state. The Samaritan, however, returned to make his dependence upon Christ, and his love and appreciation for Almighty God very clear. He immediately gave God the glory due to him. He returned to Jesus, not to simply say ‘thank-you’, but to worship him with thanksgiving. He understood the true nature of our thanksgiving to God Almighty. True thanksgiving is the recognition of our complete and total dependence upon Almighty God. If one practices this kind of thanksgiving, this day of thanks that we observe will always find him with a heart of praise for the Lord. If one experiences great loss or pain at this time of year, and has a heart like the nine who went their way, that one will not be thankful on this day. But, if one has a heart like the Samaritan, recognizing the eternal goodness and love of our Lord, that one will have little trouble being thankful today despite the most unfavorable circumstances.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, I cannot thank You enough. Our very lives are the most we can offer. Though we feel that to be less than enough, it is that which You have requested, and so we gladly give it. Oh Father, You love for us overwhelms our souls with joy! To know, on this day, that you have loved us so much as to give Your own Son to die in our place is the greatest cause for thanksgiving we can possibly conceive. You, Father, are the fountain of mercies and graces that we cannot contain. You out-give, out-love, and out-think us in every area. We cannot get ahead of Your goodness. when we come to a new day, we find You have already been there with Your blessings. Give us a heart full of true thankfulness, and help us to love others as You love them. We would not want to live for five minutes without your care. So, do not let us forget Your goodness to others for five minutes. Thank You for listening to our praise on this day. We know that You deserve the praise every day. But You are gracious and kind, and will hear our special thanks on this day set aside for You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man recovering from a car accident. Pray for a woman recovering from serious health issues. Pray for a man who just received bad news on his bloodwork. Pray for a young couple having a baby very soon. Pray for people all over America to have a heart of true thanksgiving like the Samaritan on this day.

Personal Journal Entry #12224

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