Matthew 7:8

8: The idea here is that we are to keep on asking, seeking, and knocking. Those who are characterized by a willingness and habit for these things will be the recipients of the blessings of Almighty God. Jesus is here painting a picture of dependence. We are to depend upon the Lord for everything.

Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 24:1-28:29

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:13 “Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.”

Daily Tidbit: Isaiah 11:6 contains the phrase ‘a little child shall lead them’. This is an example of things that are grossly misapplied. In the context, this phrase is referring to the fact that young children will be able, one day, to safely lead about animals that are, at this present time, quite wild and dangerous for children to handle. Some, misquoting the phrase, have claimed that it means children, due to their unfeigned faith, may lead adults in spiritual things. Though such may sometimes be the case, that is not at all what this verse is teaching.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for today, and for Your control of everything. Teach us to have a dependent attitude. Help us to realize that we are dependent, whether we think so or not. We must see that only You can be sure of anything. Only You can provide for our needs. Only You can truly know what we need. Thank You for Your care for us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for an elderly lady who just recently fell. Pray for a family having difficulties of various kinds. Pray for an elderly lady in very poor health.

Personal Journal Entry #12214

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