Matthew 6:24

24: Jesus helps us understand that God is not looking for partial service. To serve a master means to give your all to that master. You cannot ‘halfway’ serve. Thus, to fail to serve Almighty God with all of one’s heart is to serve something else. There can be no mixture of loyalties, God wants all there is of us. The words Jesus uses here show us the level of loyalty needed. The love he refers to is what we call agape love, or unconditional love. To ‘hold’ to a master means to cleave to that master. These are strong words. Almighty God isn’t looking for fair weather friends. Those who think they can serve God and yet ‘hold to’ something else, are sadly mistaken.

Daily Bible Reading: Proverbs 16:1-18:24

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:10 “But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.”

Daily Tidbit: The word ‘mammon’ in Matthew 6:24 is not an archaic English word. It is what we call a transliteration. A transliteration is an English form given to, in this case, a Greek word. The Greek here reads ‘μαμμωνα’ which sounds much the same as ‘mammon’. Generally translators will not do this unless they have a good reason to do so. Many versions today simply translate this word as ‘money’ and move on. However, the KJV translators likely chose not to do so because mammon and money are not exactly the same thing. Mammon was originally an Aramaic word that has been adopted by many languages. It signifies wealth personified. In other words, it literally describes wealth as a god, and names this god ‘Mammon’. For the Hebrews, one given over to Mammon would be a lover of wealth that would not do aught else but be greedy and self-seeking. Thus, the transliteration here is a tip-off that there is more to this word than initially meets the eye.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word! It is specific, and does not avoid pointing out my sin. I am glad because I would rather know about anything that would keep me from You. Help us to respond correctly to Your Word at all times. May it be the very fabric of our lives, the stuff we are made from. Oh Father, You are worthy of praise, honor, and glory! Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and always shall be, let me know You! May Your person be my constant pursuit. I will seek to know You for all of my life. You are worth chasing after, finding, searching out, and discovering! I could never find a better use of my life than to seek to know You better. You are the key to understanding Your universe. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for three men with various stages of cancer. Pray for a man with bad diabetes. Pray for an older couple with health needs. Pray for the upcoming election.

Personal Journal Entry #12199

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