Matthew 6:20-21

20: Heavenly treasure is pursued much differently than that of earthly treasure. Indeed, heavenly treasure causes an intense adventure of unwavering desire for the things of Almighty God. Thus, it produces the same fervor as greed and hoarding, and yet none of the attendant woes. One may pile up treasure of the finest nature in heaven without ever having to experience the pain of fear. there is nothing to worry or be anxious over with heavenly treasure. There can be no feeling of shame or dissatisfaction in connection with great heavenly riches. It is true that we will always want more heavenly riches, just as earthly riches. However, the difference is that heavenly riches do not cause one to pursue them from a feeling of having too little, but from a feeling of needing nothing else. If one has life left to pursue them, they are infinitely worth pursuing.
21: Here we come to the heart of the matter. Jesus shows the bottom line. Heavenly treasure is a mountain of positive motivation. Earthly treasure motivates only to avarice. The pursuit of material things can destroy one’s love for the better things of life. The greedy man wants a new car. The spiritual man wants a greater love for the poor. What a difference it makes!

Daily Bible Reading: Proverbs 7:1-9:18

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:9 “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

Daily Tidbit: In Proverbs chapter eight verse thirteen two very similar words are used. The verse uses the word ‘pride’ and the word ‘arrogancy’. What is the difference? Is there a difference? There is a difference between the two. Pride is, in this verse, refers to one who is excessively proud, presumptuous, and insolent. This person shuns the laws of God and man and thinks he is above obedience to such authorities. It is the same as ‘hubris’, which is an English word carried over from Greek (in Greek, ὕβρις). Arrogancy, on the other hand, refers to one who, bragging of his own state in life, despises others. This person is overbearingly proud and haughty, and would usurp the position of others thinking themselves alone capable of handling a situation. Therefore, pride refers more to insolence in relation to God. Arrogancy means lording it over others. The Lord hates both kinds.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us reasons to live! So many people seem to have no good reason for existence outside of existence. We know that has to be something more to life than that. You have given us a sense of the eternal. We know that there is a greater purpose and meaning out there. I am so glad that You allow us to know the Truth. Letting us choose the Truth and love You is so nice. We don’t deserve these pleasures, but we are thankful for them. I can never thank You enough for salvation! The gospel of Christ is such a blessing! Knowing that You have made a way for me to be in heaven with You, Father, makes me feel so loved. I must be important to You. I only hope that I can live a life that is pleasing to You. Humility before Almighty God makes me feel so much better than pride about myself. you don’t keep me, Father, from worthy attainments, but you drive me on to them. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man who is a roofer that has cancer. Pray for an older couple with health issues. Pray for a woman having gall bladder surgery this week. Pray for a young girl having problems with her gall bladder.

Personal Journal Entry #12196

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