Matthew 6:1

1: In an effort to avoid vain shows such as this that Jesus describes, we sometimes fail to give alms at all. However, the warning we have here should never prevent us from giving to the poor. Instead, it should encourage us to understand the importance of this to Almighty God. Poor and needy people are not unbiblical. There will always be poor people in this world, and Christians should always be their best friends. We should not encourage poverty, but we should help it at every turn. It is not wrong to seek a reward either, just as long as it is God’s reward, and not the reward of men, that you are seeking. We must give to those who are in need, but only to impress Almighty God, not the poor, or the rich.

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 71:1-74:23
Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:6 “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgement of the great day.
Daily Tidbit: Extreme poverty applies to those living on less than $1.25 a day. Moderate poverty refers to those living on $2-$5 a day. These are general rules of thumb, not exact figures. But, believe it or not, something like a third of the world’s population lives on less than $5 a day.
Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, help us not to be greedy, but giving. You have given us so much by giving us Your Son on the cross of Calvary. We could never thank You enough. Our poverty spiritually cannot even compare to Your great wealth, and yet You make us rich through Christ. Give us a greed for spiritual things. Help us to desire that which is eternal and priceless. Keep us from the pitiful pursuit of man’s praise and inspire us to crave Your attention. We know You will never mind if we seek only to impress You. May we never try to show off our devotion to You to others. We know that You are the One Who is worthy of our praise, and it is Your glory alone that must motivate us. As I have prayed much lately, help us to make much of Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.
Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a young family with several children that is sharing a cold. Pray for an officer that broke his hand in the line of duty. Pray for a lady with cancer.
Personal Journal Entry #12178

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