Matthew 5:13

13: Salt is one of the most useful things on the planet. It is used as a flavoring, and as a preservative. The disciples of Christ, knowing his teachings, are to be like salt to flavor and preserve this world. Now, the fact is that, normally, salt does not lose its flavor. It just is not chemically possible. However, the salt in Palestine often has extra impurities in it. Thus, if the actual salt dissolves, the impurities are left. So, in this way, the salt may be said to ‘lose its flavor’ and become worthless. This is why Jesus asks what the salt will be slated with to make it salty again. It is a rhetorical question, and he provides the answer. The ‘salt’ is worthless if it is no longer salty. Thus, his followers should be careful not to forget his teachings and cease to teach them to others.

Daily Bible Reading: Nehemiah 13:1-Esther 3:15

Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”

Daily Tidbit: As many people have, I always thought Jesus was talking about salting the earth when he asked, ‘wherewith shall it be salted?’ in the second part of Matthew 5:13. That he was speaking of the salt at that point in the verse makes much better sense.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, help me to always be ready to share Your truth with others. It is easy to be ready when we are expecting the opportunity. It is much harder when the opportunity sneaks up on us. Thank You for Your infinite resources given to help us in the task. This job of taking the gospel to the world is a blessing because we are only tools in Your hand. If we had to do it alone, we would fail. Father, help us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for two older couples that are having health issues. Pray for a family to get back to church.

Personal Journal Entry #12151

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