Matthew 5:10

10: Righteousness, produced in one’s life by Almighty God, will bring persecution in one form or another. It is only to be expected that those who see a quality in the righteous that they themselves do not possess will be mad about it. Indeed, though many would deny it, godly righteousness produced in the lives of those who love and serve God has been the cause of more evil than any other single thing. Good the greatest cause of evil? Yes. Evil deeds are most often done to satisfy the desires of a conscience disturbed by the just demands of our holy God. Sin is used as a salve for guilt. However, rather than curing the wound, it only makes it to grow far worse. Like itching a wound may feel good for a time, but leads to infection and a worsening of the original condition of the sore. It may make the unrighteous feel better about themselves, but it will only lead to greater judgment. The mistreatment of the righteous is one of the easiest ways to salve a guilty conscience with sin. But, it carries with it the worst of consequences.

Personal Journal Entry #12148
Prayer Journal Entry #12148
Daily Bible Reading: Nehemiah 5:1-7:73
Praise Journal Entry #12108: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your work in this world. I often find myself so concerned about how I might better serve You that I forget You are at work no matter what I may do. When I set my head on the pillow at night You are saving souls on the other side of the world. While I live through my day, You are constantly active in everything. You are not busy simply because You are the Maker and Sustainer of the universe, but because You are the Savior and Lover of mankind. Help me, help us all, to see the big picture, and to pray as Stephen when he was stoned, ‘Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.’ Make us lovers of the souls of men, just as You are. Give us that desire to give them the chance to embrace the truth, even as they try to put out the light of our witness. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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