Matthew 4:23

23: Jesus taught many times in the synagogues. This was the best place to reach the Jewish population with the Truth. It is said here that he preached the gospel of the kingdom. Many have conjectured that, had the Jews accepted him as the Messiah as a nation, he would have set up his earthly ‘kingdom’ at that time. The fact is that God already knew the Jews would not respond well to his coming. This is why we see throughout Jesus’ ministry an emphasis on him as the Messiah, not the timing of the earthly kingdom. The only way for the Jews to be prepared for an earthly kingdom would be to accept the Messiah by faith. They were ready to accept one who worked miracles, but they were not willing to accept him on the basis of what was written about him in the Word of God.
It must also be noted that Jesus performed a greater number and variety of miracles for the Jews than had ever been performed before in history. He healed passing sicknesses as well as long-standing diseases.

Personal Journal Entry #12138
Prayer Journal Entry #12138
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 18:1-20:37
Praise Journal Entry #12098: Heavenly Father, thank You for the miracles that You have given us. But, Father, I thank You so much more for the Truth. Though miracles let us know how wonderful You are, the Word lets us know how much You love us. Transform our lives by Your Word. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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