Matthew 4:4

4: Jesus’ quote from Deuteronomy 8:3 immediately renders Satan’s trap useless. It shows it for the lie that it is. If God had not provided material food at that moment, it did not at all mean that Jesus was not his Son. God’s purposes, and the Word of God that goes with them, are to be the supply of the righteous, not mere bread. Jesus was well aware of the fact that Satan knew he had the power to make the stones into bread. But, he also understood that food wasn’t really the issue at all. Satan was trying to get him to act independently from the intentions of the Father. This Jesus would never do.

Personal Journal Entry #12122
Prayer Journal Entry #12122
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Kings 24:1-1 Chronicles 1:54
Praise Journal Entry #12082: Heavenly Father, Your loving care for us is evident in Your plans for us. You always do what is best. Your ways are always in our best interest. Your purposes are glorious. You are worthy of all our praises. May we, as Christ did, always recognize the perfectness of Your will. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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