Matthew 3:11

11: John baptized as a an outward symbol of a person’s genuine repentance. But, Jesus, the Messiah, brought to us the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is important not to get confused here. There are four different baptisms to get straight. First, there is John’s baptism, which was only to prepare people for Christ. It was temporary and is not in operation today. Second is Spirit baptism. The baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs at the moment of salvation. This seals the child of God. Once he resides in us, we cannot lose this baptism. Third, we have what is normally thought of as baptism, baptism by immersion in water. Jesus commanded that Christians be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. This is a picture of what has happened in the life of the child of God at the moment of salvation. It is not salvation, but it is mandatory. One who claims to be saved, and yet refuses to be baptized, is disobedient, and his faith is suspect. The fourth baptism is that which Jesus will do by fire. This is a reference to the preceding verse. The baptism by fire was John’s way of referring to the impending judgement of the religious leaders (and any else who were non-repentant) by the Messiah.

Personal Journal Entry #12113
Prayer Journal Entry #12113
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Kings 20:1-21:29
Praise Journal Entry #12073: Heavenly Father, thank You for all that You mean to us. The things that You have provided for us are so wonderful. And, even though sin is in this world, You have made a beautiful plan of salvation to remedy that. Your glory is great. I am overwhelmed when I think of all that You have done just for me, let alone all the world throughout history. You are so kind and loving to us! How can we ever thank You enough? Give me a heart to express Your praises as I should. May our song constantly be Your glory and honor. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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