Matthew 1:20

20: Joseph did not rush into anything, and while he was thinking out his course of action, the Lord communicated his plan to Joseph. This occurred in a dream in which an angel, possibly Gabriel, told him what to do. Dreams were a common method of revelation, especially in ancient times. He tells Joseph directly that the child had no earthly father.

Personal Journal Entry #12083
Prayer Journal Entry #12083
Daily Bible Reading: Judges 13:1-16:31
Praise Journal Entry #12043: Heavenly Father, thank You for communicating with us. I am so thankful for this. That you would take the time to tell us Your plan. It is so important to be able to come to You and talk about the things of life. It is good to be able to find answers in Your Word. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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