Matthew 1:17

17: Matthew here introduces a memory device. Three groups of fourteen help in memorizing the genealogy. Matthew explains exactly how the fourteens are to be counted. Abraham to David are counted, which makes fourteen. David to the captivity are counted, which makes fourteen if you do not count David (who has already been counted) and you do count the captivity itself. From the captivity to Jesus are counted, which makes fourteen if you do not count the captivity (which has already been counted).

Personal Journal Entry #12080
Prayer Journal Entry #12080
Daily Bible Reading: Judges 5:1-7:25
Praise Journal entry #12040: Heavenly Father, thank You for every new day You give to us. You always supply our needs a day at a time. Thank You for this day, and this new month, as we seek to serve You. Your power is truly amazing and endless. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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