Matthew 1:1

1: Matthew was concerned with showing that Jesus Christ is indeed the rightful Messiah. No one else could be the Messiah. Jesus is the King of the Jews, without a doubt. Though few are convinced by argument, it is important that the record be written. Matthew shows that Jesus is indeed who he claimed to be.
Jesus is related to both Abraham and David. He is a Jew of the tribe of Judah, and his lineage shows that he is of the house of David. He is in the royal line.

Personal Journal Entry #12068
Prayer Journal Entry #12068
Daily Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 25:1-27:26
Praise Journal Entry #12029: Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, thank You for listening. You are such a good listener. Although we are without excuse if we do not believe You, You take the time to explain Your truth to us. You instruct and guide. You always want to lead us into more truth, and You always tell us the truth. Father, You are changeless, yet You have made a way for changeable humanity to become something good again. You are so amazing! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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