Matthew 28:18

18: Although we often think of the Great Commission as Jesus’ most important words before going back to heaven, these words about his power are quite important as well.
For one thing, this statement reassured the faith of the disciples. It let them know yet again that the crucifixion was all a part of God’s plan. Jesus’ death and resurrection were totally voluntary by the Godhead. The Trinity had predetermined this course of action. It was no interruption in the power of God. Instead, it was the greatest manifestation of it in history.
Also, it let them know that, though Jesus was human, he was most definitely Divine as well. The whole concept is important. Though Jesus is, and always has been from eternity past, the Son of God, he is telling them that he has received power over heaven and earth from his Father due to the crucifixion and resurrection. He, as God incarnated in a now glorified human body, has complete authority over heaven and earth. Only the Father holds more authority.

Personal Journal Entry #12065
Prayer Journal Entry #12065
Daily Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 14:1-17:20
Praise Journal Entry #12026: Heavenly Father, thank You for family. It is great to have family and friends to share life with. It is also wonderful to know that, for those who have no family especially, You are the greatest family or Friend anyone could ever have. Thank You for this verse about Christ. It is such a comfort to know that nothing worries You. You know what is going on, even when I do not. I love You, Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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