Matthew 27:62-63

62: The next day was Saturday, the Sabbath. Thus, on a Sabbath day these men who had such scruples about keeping the Sabbath were quite busy.
63: They remembered Jesus’ words about his resurrection. This is quite ironic. Some have surmised that Judas reported this to them, but that is highly unlikely. They could have only been remembering the words of Christ concerning Jonah, or his statement about the temple. If it is either case, it is such an irony that they who pretended to misunderstand his words at his trial now understood them perfectly. Sadly, they did not believe, no matter how well they understood.

Personal Journal Entry #12053
Prayer Journal Entry #12053
Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 19:1-21:35
Praise Journal Entry #12014: Heavenly Father, the Lord, the Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth, thank You for making Your Truth known. Though many may not heed it, thank You for making it available. Though we may not obey it as well as we should, thank You for showing it to us. Father, You are so amazing! Your mercy is unbelievable. Your grace is endless. Your love is unconditional. Your justice is so fair. Your righteousness is glorious. Your holiness is complete. You inspire awe. You are the ruler of all, reigning without a hint of weakness or wavering. Your enemies are a joke. They cannot withstand You. They might as well give up. I praise You Father. You have made the way of escape from sin. Oh what joy You have opened to us! I pray all this and praise You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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