Matthew 26:43-44

43: Jesus returned the second time, finding them asleep. That their eyes were heavy simply means that they were sleepy. It was quite late. He does not rouse them this time.
44: Jesus prayed his prayer three times. We are given the substance of his prayer, but not likely the complete wording. He prayed the same thing three times, of this we can be sure. But, it took much longer than it would have taken him to simply say the words we have here recorded.
Some may wonder why Jesus would repeat himself three times to the Father. This is not, as Jesus warns of himself, meaningless repetition. Instead, praying three times was to show the Father the depth of his anguish, and yet also the depth of his resolve to submit.

Personal Journal Entry #12010
Prayer Journal Entry #12010
Daily Bible Reading: Genesis 27:1-28:22

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