Matthew 26:37

37: This verse shows Jesus’ Divinity and humanity in balance. He took the inner circle with him. On the one hand, this shows his humanity in that humans generally have only a few very close friends. It shows his Divinity in that, even in this dark hour, he was still preparing his disciples.
The words at the end of this verse are full of meaning, and yet simple to understand when taken in perspective. Jesus was sad. This is the simple meaning of the word ‘sorrowful’ in the verse. The second word is a little trickier, but it simply means to be extremely uncomfortable. In other words, because Jesus was a human being, he was sad. He knew it was time to be leaving soon. He knew Judas was about to betray him. He knew the disciples would not even stay awake, and would leave him. As a human, these things made him sad.
Divinely speaking, Jesus was very uncomfortable. He knew what no human being had ever known, the weight of the sin of the world. He new supernaturally what he would endure on the cross, which we still do not fully understand. He knew the disbelief of many even to this day who reject his perfect work.

Personal Journal Entry #12005
Prayer Journal Entry #12005
Daily Bible Reading: Genesis 13:1-16:16

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