Matthew 25:42-46

42-44: The answer of the goats quickly shows two things. First, they have absolutely no idea what Jesus is talking about. This would be consistent with those who are influenced by the antichrist. They would have no cause to see Christ in need because they would have no cause to see the true Christ at all. Second, these people will be altogether unaware of this passage, or they will at the very least be totally confused as to its meaning.
45: Jesus mentions the ‘least’ of his brethren. What is the meaning of this? In many cases it may be Jewish children that are escaped and stand in need. In other cases it may be those who are alone, injured, ill, or otherwise handicapped in some way. This is not to say that Jesus sees them as somehow less important, but that in men’s eyes, these will be inconsequential persons.
46: Many have attempted to modify the meaning here of ‘everlasting’ torment. It cannot be changed without changing the intended meaning of the original. The everlasting conscious existence of the soul is nowhere specifically disputed in scripture. The goats ‘go away’ into torment. The sheep enter into eternal life by renaming on earth to enter into the earthly millennial reign of Christ.

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