Matthew 25:33-36

33: Jesus sets the sheep on his right hand because that is a place of honor. Those on the right could expect to enter the kingdom. Notice that he makes this division before he announces his judgment.

34: The sheep are blessed by the father of the King. This is God the Father. The eternal purpose of God for this kingdom on earth is here mentioned. The kingdom has been prepared for the saints from the very beginning. Although there will, of course, be Jewish saints in the kingdom, he is here referring to gentile saints.
35: Several things must be noted here. First, what we find in this list are helps that saved individuals of all ages could be expected to perform. Sharing food, clothing, and shelter, are areas in which any decent person will help his or her fellow man. Second, Christians are to love one another. This love includes help with such things as these physical needs. Third, in this particular instance we find gentile believers showing their love for Jewish people during the time of tribulation.
36: As in the last verse, these are things that Christians might be expected to do at any time for anyone. However, those sick or in prison because of the work of the enemy, the devil, are especially to be the object of the saint’s care.

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