
Luke 6:25 “Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep.”

   Notice here the word ‘now’. Jesus uses this word on several occasions to highlight a very particular item. There is a now, and there is a later. The word ‘woe’ is also important to consider. It is a heavy prophetic term. It specifically denotes impending doom of the wrath of God variety. It alerts the hearer that God has plans to judge a group or individual.
   Those who are full of this world’s food, whether literal material food or figuratively fullness of this world’s goods, are on the path to destruction. Many there be that walk this road. They laugh, in that they are tickled with their apparent success. But, the days will come when ‘now’ is over and later has arrived.
   There is no petty jealousy in this, but the jealousy of the God Who made everything and everyone. This is all about allegiance to Him and His Christ. Many after these words of Christ have tried to make Him out to say that material things are evil, but that is obviously not His point. The love of material things over spiritual things is the great danger He hopes to deliver us from.

   Heavenly Father, You are God over all. The material world is Yours. It belongs to You, you made every part of it. All riches and foodstuffs belong to You. But beyond that, laughter belongs to You. Our very moods and mental states are Your possession. We have not the right to claim them as simply our own, but as that which You have given us to enjoy. May our attitude always show Your altitude! Oh Father You are wise and loving and holy! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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