The Son Wills to Reveal

Luke 10:22 " All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him."

Jesus is still praying in this verse even though it doesn’t seem like it. There are several examples in Scripture of the Trinity speaking and this is one of them. Christ, as God the Son, is making a statement here that He could not make if He were not God. To speak on behalf of God in this way is His prerogative. And, what He says is very interesting.
Normally in the gospels, and throughout Scripture, we hear of the will of the Lord in general. But, here we have a specific. This shows us that God the Son has a role in choosing those who have the truth revealed to them. And, in the previous verse Jesus had just said that it was God the Father Who was pleased to reveal things to the followers of Christ.
So, we are seeing the working of the Triune God, and Jesus is a Person of the Trinity. As God, Jesus had chosen to reveal Himself to His disciples.

Heavenly Father, it is the joy of our heart to bring glory to You. As the One Who made all of heaven and earth, You are the natural recipient of all the praise. You are worthy for You are Altogether Wonderful. I will keep Your praise in my heart and my mind as I live in the world that You have made. You have given us this place in which to live and breathe and do our work of the day. I love You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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