When You Pray

He said to them, ‘Whenever you pray, say,
your Name be honored as Holy.
Your kingdom come.’

Luke 11:2

Jesus starts out in this model prayer with three very important things. First, God is our Father. This is a recognition of His position as Creator. He is the Prime Mover, the First Cause, the One who started it all.

Second, God is, above all else, Holy. His Name, meaning His reputation, all that He is, can be equated with Absolute Goodness. He is as perfect, just, good, merciful, beneficent, and holy as anyone could ever be.

Third, His authority is recognized. The reference to His kingdom is meant to establish the fact that He has the unquestionable right and power to be the Ultimate Ruler of Everything.

Very often there are people all over this globe who presume to pray, and yet do not believe, or would not accept, these three items. But, Jesus begins here by teaching us prayer may not commence properly without these foundational beliefs. God made everything. God is better than anyone. And, God has the right to control everyone.

Heavenly Father, thank You for these three things. You do not play games with us. You tell us Who You are, and You expect us to act accordingly. You are the Great Creator, and the Most Holy One, and You have all the rights, not us. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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