Forgive Us

And forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves also forgive everyone
in debt to us.
And do not bring us into temptation.

Luke 11:4

This is a loaded verse. First, we need to understand what it does not mean. And then, we need to understand what it does mean.

Jesus is not saying that we are to never recognize or condemn the sins of others. Sins can be very serious, and they have consequences. And, the sins of others in general are not in view here. Also, Jesus is not saying that God tempts us.

So, what is Jesus saying here? First, He is telling us that we can ask God for forgiveness for our sins, with the proviso that we will do the same for others. In other words, if in your judgement someone else has sinned against you, you must freely forgive that individual. This is important because it means if we design our own standard for people to meet, we can’t hold them to that standard without risking our own forgiveness.

Second, Jesus is telling us we should ask God to keep us from being tempted. Now, temptation is not sin. You can be tempted without sinning. But, if exposed to temptation, the likelihood that you will succumb is very high. Often we ask God to help us resist temptation. Jesus tells us to ask God to help us avoid temptation.

Heavenly Father, You are Holy, Holy, Holy! Before all else there was You. All of eternity cannot hold You. Above and beyond all and forever You are the Amazing Creator, the Wonderful Ruler, and the Awesome God. I will praise You with my words, and try to do so with my life. You are worthy! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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