The Finger of God

If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

Luke 11:20

Jesus was preparing to teach His hearers some things about demons. But before that, He makes a very important statement. He was not just a prophet. He was not just one of the many messengers that God had sent. He did these mighty works by the ‘finger of God’.

What is the significance of that? It is with the finger of God that the Old Testament law was written on the tablets of stone. The finger is on the hand, and the arm, of God. These appendages are mentioned repeatedly in the Old Testament in connection with the mighty acts of God.

In other words, Jesus is saying that He does what He does with the full authority and power of the Godhead. He follows this up by saying that the kingdom of God had come to them. Jesus is referring to Himself here as well. As the Messiah, He is the King of the kingdom.

Fortunately, many of the students of scripture in that day were quite dense. If they had understood Jesus well at this time, they would have tried to kill him sooner. Indeed, we must remember that the cross wasn’t the first attempt upon Christ’s life. It was just the first one He allowed to succeed.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Messiah! Jesus is perfect! I praise You for Your infinite wisdom. You are so awesome! Father, Your will and way are beyond description. Yet You have given us a peek into them. I will forever thank You. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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