
Luke 6:6
On another Sabbath. It is once a week that we are reminded of all that He is and has been. Though the LORD wants to meet with us every day, one day a week is asked of those who claim to be people of faith to remember His claim on all of our days. It may seem strange for the Sabbath to be a time of strife in the life of Christ. But, compared to all of history it fits quite accurately. The LORD still strives with the religious man at least one day a week. This formal ritual actually serves as a reminder that more than formal ritual is needed. Sunday in our church age is also intended not to be merely a formal practice, but a reminder of the uselessness of such. It is truly to be a reminder that He is still there, and still wants to speak with us.

Heavenly Father, help us to remember that Sunday is about You, not about us. Thank you for Your mercy and grace upon us. Give us opportunities to bring praise to You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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