Fig Tree in the Vineyard

And He told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree that was planted in his vineyard. He came looking for fruit on it and found none.’

Luke 13:6

Jesus here gives this parable about the nation of Israel. Jesus came looking for fruit. Though there were many in Israel who listened to Christ, there were many, many more who would not.

Leviticus 19:23-25 is the law concerning fruit trees. The fig tree would not bear fruit for the first three years. The fruit of the fourth year would belong to the Lord, and the fruit of the fifth year would belong to the owner. The owner in the parable was ignorant of the details, and Jewish law. The owner came on the fourth year, having checked ‘for three years’ already. The next year would legally be the first year that the owner could expect fruit.

The vineyard worker, understanding these things, buys some time because he knows it could take five years to get a good crop. Possibly Jewish vineyard keepers had learned to intentionally let the tree grow weak so that an appreciable crop wouldn’t come until the fifth year, when the fruit would legally belong to the owner.

This is meant to parallel the nation of Israel. Being spiritually weak, they had not produced during the fourth year, when the Lord would expect fruit. And, being dishonest, they had taken advantage of their Gentile overlords. Upon seeing no fruit the fifth year, the Romans put an end to the fig tree in AD 70.

Heavenly Father, thank You for using humans in spite of ourselves. You brought the world Your truth by the Jews, and you are using the Gentiles to reach the world with the gospel. Your ways are best. We will look to You for wisdom. Our ways and thoughts are so limited! You lead us in the right way for our lives. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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