You are Free

When Jesus saw her, he called out to her, “Woman, you are free of your disability.”

Luke 13:12

It is interesting to note that on several occasions in Jesus’s earthly ministry, He proactively performed miracles. In other words, someone didn’t come to Him and ask Him to perform a miracle. Sometimes, He just did it without being asked. On this occasion, Jesus already knew this woman was there and intentionally drew attention to the fact that he was going to heal her, calling out loudly to her as soon as he saw her.

Heavenly Father, You are the Healer of our diseases, whether physical or spiritual. It is to You that we look for everything. Thank You for Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for salvation, and life, in Him! You are worthy of all praise, honor, glory, and power! Your grace is truly amazing! You are holy, just, pure, and lovely! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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