When Invited

When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, don’t sit in the place of honor, because a more distinguished person than you may have been invited by your host.

Luke 14:8 CSB

Jesus launched into this discourse for two reasons. First, it was good advice for the self-aggrandizing Pharisees. But second, He Himself was likely set in a place of honor. There may have been those present who felt they should be either closer to Him, or in His place.

Pride of place was a big deal in Jewish society, and Jesus wanted to teach these men what true and undefiled religion is all about. In fact, religion has over the years been used to justify so much that is wrong and evil, I generally avoid the word. True religion is nothing like what most people envision when they think of the religious elite that we see in our world even today.

Heavenly Father, You are amazing beyond all of our wildest imaginations. You can do all and yet have chosen certain things to do that astound us. Your unselfish faithfulness and tender love is overwhelmingly wonderful! Thank You for Your work in our lives through Christ. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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