Just Married

And another said, ‘I just got married, and therefore I’m unable to come.’

Luke 14:20 CSB

This is the excuse for which we tend to have the most sympathy. This individual understandably did not want to miss his honeymoon. But, remember two things. First, Jewish marriage customs were different, and so the impact was not quite the same. Second, there have been many who have missed their own honeymoon for events of great significance.

Thus, the whole point Jesus is making with this part of the parable is that many would miss the truth of His message because they saw the events of their lives as more important than the eternal truths of the kingdom.

Heavenly Father, You alone know what is best. We choose our path like people staggering in the dark. The only light we can have to go by is You. We think we know best, but we can do little more than guess. Your way is perfect! Father, shine Your light upon our lives! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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