We had to Celebrate

But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.

Luke 15:32 CSB

This father was a very wise man. He explains to his older son by saying that they ‘had to’ celebrate and rejoice. Was he saying he rejoiced only out of a sense of duty? No. This father was indeed overjoyed to have his son back. But, he is here referring to the fact that this young man who returned was also a creation of God. And as such there was to be a celebration when at long last there seemed to be hope for the good future of this boy.

Also notice that back in verse 30 the older brother had called the younger ‘this son of yours’ as a way of comparing the father and the younger son. The father was a smart man and did not miss this. And he says here ‘this brother of yours’ so as to say yes the apple did not fall far from the tree, but everything on the ground is an apple! These two sons were not that dissimilar.

Heavenly Father, thank You for a hope and a future! It is easy for us to forget, wicked as we are, how much we depend upon you. May we today in America remember 9-11 today and realize yet again that we must look to You and not our powers and abilities to protect us. You are God. You are on the throne. Your will is the one that is to be done. Your way is right. We must never forget how much we need You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

1 comment

  1. A perception I have long missed – “the two sons were not that dissimilar”. It’s not what we see, but what we don’t see that God is judging and scrutinizing. A thought I am constantly reminding myself of as I look at my own motives!

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