No Less A Duty

In the same way, when you have done all that you were commanded, you should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we’ve only done our duty.’

Luke 17:10 (CSB)

Once again the emphasis here is not that we will never be thanked. The point is that service to the Lord is a matter of duty. We are not doing the Lord a favor. We are not going out of our way. We are not making a special effort.

Instead, when we serve and serve well, and long, and without complaint, we need not pat ourselves in the back for our performance. We are to count it due to a reasonable expectation. It is obedience.

This is a paradox. Service to the Lord is also a joy, and a blessing, and a comfort. We very often feel appreciated while doing it, and may even receive the appreciation of other persons. But it is still, no less, a duty.

Heavenly Father, what a joy it is to serve You! To be involved in what You are doing is frankly an overwhelming blessing! Your service is a comforting place in which to find oneself. Thank You Lord! We will gladly do our duty for Your glory. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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