Don’t Give Up, Pray

He related a parable to them that it is necessary for men to always pray, and not lose heart.

Luke 18:1

This is one of the precious teachings of Christ in which He brings up the subject. It is always somehting to take note of when Jesus is intentional.

Here we see that Luke shares that this parable was addressed specifically to men. This does not exclude women from the application. But it applies directly and impactfully to men in the roles that the Lord has chosen for them.

One might say this is Jesus’ ‘pray without ceasing’ parable. And it addresses vengance especially. It is quite often that righteous men will find themselves wanting to bring vengance upon the evils of this world. But, constant, vigilant, and powerful prayer is meant to be the path to proper vengance. The Lord must handle it because men will do it wrongfully.

Heavenly Father, may I never forget to pray always! Day by day, hour by hour, I will bring what I have in my heart before You. You alone are equal to the task. You can more than care for and understand every thought of my heart, and give me courage in the face of every injustice. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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