The Lord Says ‘Hear’

And the Lord said, ‘Listen to what the corrupt judge said.’

Luke 18:6

Not only the Lord Jesus, but also Luke calls special attention to the words of this unscrupulous judge. The point is to make careful note of his thought process, and to think of that in comparison and contrast to the response given by God.

We can compare the Lord and the unscrupulous judge in that they both are petitioned by someone repeatedly. Although the Lord does not want us to use mindless reptitions when we’re praying, He does want us to pray on a consistent basis. Bringing the same issue before him over and over is not a bother to Him. We are thus meant to parallel the widow in this story. And she had every intention to continue coming to the judge for the rest of her life.

We can contrast the Lord and the unrighteous judge in their reasons for listening to petitions. The judge only listens because he’s annoyed. The Lord, on the other hand, listens to us because He truly cares for us.

Heavenly Father, thank You for listening to us. Thank You for really caring for us. You are always kind, good, and gracious. Your response is considerate. What a wonder! The Lord of all takes my frailty into consideration as He listens to me. You are HOLY! Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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