There is Nobody

So He said to them, ‘Truly I say to you, that there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, on account of the kingdom of God,’

Luke 18:29

Though it is not always the case, the vast majority of Christians must leave a home, family tie, or a close friend, due to their relationship with Christ. It is not something to be done flippantly or lightly, but resolutely when the need arises. We must not hold our earthy bonds in place of that heavenly joy.

The scope of this verse is not limited to full-time Christian ministers either. A true relationship with Christ will often require a break with others, even if the demands of time or place of service to the Lord are not a factor in the situation at hand. We should always be ready to release ourselves from this life in the interest of the kingdom.

Do not misunderstand however. Jesus also teaches through the New Testament writers that we are responsible to care for our family. The Lord does not release us to live free from familial responsibility. What He does do is take first place in all things.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the life that You give us. It is a life of care and concern for others, whether in our family or otherwise. But You are above all, and our interest in Your will for us is paramount. It may call us far from home, family, and friends whether physically or in other ways. But all of this is worth it because we love You so much. You are so worthy of our devotion. Thank You for this wonderful life! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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