To Seek and To Save

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the perishing.

Luke 19:10

This world is dying! That is reality. We are surrounded every day by broken, dying, people. Life was not created to be like this. There is a problem to solve. And it is a very specific problem. We need LIFE. And not just any life will do. We need the life of Christ. Eternally saved people living Christlike in the ‘Christlife’ is the greatest need of this world.

Jesus impacts every area of life, and He should be considered for every choice in everything. But, He is not seeking to conform this world inch by inch to His design. No, He is seeking to change souls. Soul by soul He is rescuing us from this present world that is perishing. This world will be judged and destroyed. Individual people, as many as possible, will be saved out of it. When He comes to rule it will not be because this world has become so good, but because it has been so bad. But during it all He is converting souls, bringing them from the kingdom of darkness and into His marvelous light!

Heavenly Father, thank You for Christ! We are enthralled by the eternal perspective LORD! How can we do anything but stand speechless in awe of Your plan? We will seek to bring others to Christ by His working in us so that we may bring glory to You, Almighty God! Thank You for the opportunity and for Your work in each life. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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