Near Jerusalem

And as the men heard these thing He proceeded to tell them a parable because He was near Jerusalem and because the men thought the kingdom of God was about to appear at once.

Luke 19:11

Messiah’s popping up here and there was a common occurrence in Christ’s day. The timing for the appearance of the Messiah had already been proclaimed in Daniel chapter 9 verses 25 and 26. And the look of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem also was predicted in Zechariah 9:9. Due to this, Jesus was not the only one claiming to be the Messiah.

But Jesus was The Only One. He was able to read the minds of all who were involved. His timing was perfect and He fulfilled prophecy after prophecy. Others seemed to be something, but He was so authentic that the Jews were in a tizzy as to what to do about Him.

Heavenly Father, the authenticity of Christ is powerful! Our lives are forever transformed by the blood of Christ. Your love is beautiful and Your grace is amazing. We can only imagine the glory of heaven. But we will live this life to bring all glory to You. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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